A Black Female Medical Student

Archive for April 2009

This has been such a hectic week for me. Its all my fault. I went ahead and had a really chill weekend without checking my schedule for this week. Turns out I should have been doing some extra prep/studying/work during the weekend to make things easier for me during these last couple days.

I’m making it, even though Thursday promises to be just as crazy as today.

I got up and went to go shadow in an adolescent ob/gyn clinic in the morning from 8-12pm, then I had to run and eat a really quick lunch and then go volunteer at this blood drive that SNMA helped to sponsor from 1-2. After that, I ran some errands, then ran home to pick up a paper I had forgotten this morning, and then ran back to school to meet some people so I could make it over to the education session that I help run at a battered women’s shelter in the city. That was from 6-9pm. After that, I came right back to campus to study for my Genetics test and prep for the meeting I have with my summer research mentor.

I have to do all this on campus because the cord to my laptop decided to break on me last night (insert eye roll here). I won’t have time to replace it till the weekend, so I guess it more of the library for me. Yay.

But yeah, my day is pretty much over now. I’m going to start heading back home, and then I’m going to eat (cuz I am staaaaaaarving), and then I’m going to bed.

Oh and I loooooooooooove Toni Braxton. She has been on repeat in my Zune for the past couple days. 🙂

Posted on: April 25, 2009

I guess I don’t really have much to write. I decided to stay in tonight, most of my friends decided to go hang out downtown. I don’t blame them because I was a little stir-crazy myself earlier this week, but its rainy out plus I just got a nice meal from Harold’s fried chicken so that Maverick is feeling a bit couch potato-ish.

Besides, I’m in the middle of a very good book.

I’ve been reading Blink, by Malcolm Gladwell and it has me thinking about what I have been inundating my unconscious with. I’m going to start putting up positive quotes and signs about success and holiness and things because, in those particular areas, I need all the help that I can get.

On the med school front, its going aight. I really need to get more organized though. I have a lot more free time this quarter as opposed to the last quarter, and I would really like for my grades to reflect as such. Also, its seems that any work that I do on my research project is going to be highly self-motivated so I have to get in the right mindset for that.

Either way, I’m starting to get sleepy again. I think that I will eat some more fruit (I looooove fruit. Its so good), read a few more pages of my book and then call it a night.

good night all. blessings to you.

Posted on: April 23, 2009

Hey! So I passed Neuro! Thank God… that SNMA conference really threw me off. I’m only just now starting to get back on track.

Also, my finances are a mess. I just finished paying off one of my credit cards, and am still working on the second one. That should be done in August, and after that I will be debt-free (aside from student loans…. )

Until then I am working on beng frugal…  and it is difficult. I really have to cut back on spending if I expect to make it into June.

Posted on: April 19, 2009

So its Sunday…. 2 days before my Neuro test, and I am not even close to being ready. Its going to be a loooooong day.

Posted on: April 16, 2009

I know I’ve been slacking on the posts… really, I know. I’ve just been so busy, its insane! I just got back from New Orleans for the SNMA conference which was just so much fun. I saw many of my friends from undergrad, met lots of new people, went to a couple of toursity spots, walked down Bourbon St at 3am (which is the craziest place… ohmigoodness… I saw so many bizarre things, most notably being an old man in a wedding dresses staring at me and my friends while playing with his nipples), and I learned some interesting things. The workshops were great. I even got head start on planning my study schedule for Step 1.

HOWEVER, all good things must come to an end and when I got back to Chicago… OH MY GOODNESS. Reality came rushing back hard. I am on the committee to help plan our school’s Second Look weekend and that comes up this Saturday. I have clinic duty tonight, I have to meet with my research advisor tomorrow morning with a completed literature review for my summer research project (which I have yet to do…. AHHH!),  I’m STILL trying to work out all the issues with my car, and on top of all that, I have a Neuro test next Tuesday to study for. Its a balancing act, and my non-existent organization skills are being tried and tested.

And then there’s the added stress that is my romantic life. Sigh….

Yeah, my life is jumbled mess. I prayed to God to help me this morning, and I know He’s working on my behalf.

Ideally, clinic will be very short tonight giving me time to study and complete my lit review, and I will completely rock out my Neuro test on Tuesday.

Mhmm….  🙂

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  • abeja: Just found this blog skimming seems interesting...
  • Tashawna: Hey, Im a freshman in college and have been skimming through a few of your blogs. I just wanted to ask you some questions on how you got into medschoo
  • blackgirlmd: No she wasn't scared. Like I said, I think she already knew. My hours are cool. I have about four 8-hr shifts every wk which is pretty chill. Wayyy be
